KLCC shopping day

Last wednesday is supposed my movie day with yeong chiann xiao jie.
but then we change our plan when my mom come out with the idea to KLCC.
heheheh.. shopping! shoppin shoppin shoppin!!


Yeong chiann come along too!

weird because yeong chiann shop with my mom xD

n my mom actually quite like her i guess..

Mom say :" your terengganu friend is so cute!"


while they went for shopping, i was having my make over at estee lauder model search event. XD

WTF? (note : i m not yin)

eh, of coz la i did not participate (where layak wo T.T)

jz too hiao to try!

1st shot after the make up done

but mom was keep luffing at me

she laugh really loud

i feel so so paiseh

coz she even switch on 3G with my dad

and start shouting in front of many people >.<

" JIA WEN LAI EH LA!!" (Hokkien, means 'that is jiawen')

she neva realize everyone was looking at her that time


my mom is too cute :D

yeong chiann n me

yeong chiann n me in the car

after back from klcc, we still go for movie in alamanda!!

unfortunately! we met some friends in GSC after the movie..

n.. i m sorry to scared you guys - -"


after that went for yumcha with yc n yin..

play until 2 o'clock only back home

tired sia..

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